The tail number helps to filter out the overly large numbers

Author: Mike
Updated: 2023-05-15

The logic of the tail number is basically the opposite of the first number(or the head number). However, it is the most overlooked lottery algorithm. Its level of attention is far lower than the first number. Perhaps some people would put more effort into choosing the first number, and the later numbers are relatively neglected. In fact, the tail number algorithm can effectively eliminate a large number of options, especially for smaller tail numbers. Therefore, a common process is to determine the first number and then determine the last number, and then select the middle numbers.

Absolute Probability of Tail Number

The tail number refers to the last number in a lottery ticket, which is also the largest number. The tail number algorithm is a very simple algorithm. Taking Mega Millions as an example, its absolute probability is shown in the following figure, presenting a simple linear increasing pattern. The maximum value is the last number with the highest absolute probability in any lottery. The maximum value for Mega Millions is 70, while for Powerball, it is 69. This is because the last number of the maximum value has more options. However, it is only slightly more than the adjacent numbers. For example, the tail number 70 accounts for 7.1%, the tail number 69 accounts for 6.7%, and the tail number 68 accounts for 6.3%, showing a relatively uniform decrease. Unless it is a very small tail number, such as the extreme tail number 25 on March 18, 2023, the probability of the tail number resulting in that draw is only 0.09%. Once the tail number is hit, it will greatly increase the probability of winning.

Algorithm tail absolute probability

In theory, the tail number algorithm and the first number algorithm are equally simple but relatively difficult to operate. This is because the tail number algorithm requires selecting a specific number as the tail number while also limiting the range of the remaining numbers not to be greater than that number. Any tail number is a low-probability event, but the benefit is that it can filter out a large number of options. It is suitable for chasing a number for multiple consecutive draws.

Relative Probability of Tail Number Algorithm

Absolute probability gives us a very intuitive impression. However, in reality, it is not always uniform. Let's combine the relative probability for lottery analysis. The following figure shows the relative probability of the tail number in Mega Millions. Undeniably, the concentration area of the relative probability of the tail number is at the larger numbers. But the tail number with the highest relative probability is not the maximum value. This is because there are different trends in different draws.

Algorithm tail relative probability

You can click the button in the upper left corner to switch between the two forms of statistics. The following figure shows the distribution of the two forms: on the left is the statistic by number order, and on the right is the statistic by the increasing number of occurrences. The X-axis represents the numbers, and the Y-axis represents the number of times they have appeared in the last hundreds of draws. We can see that the main concentration area is between 50 and 70. The right chart shows that the most frequently appearing numbers are 64 and 69, not the absolute probability highest 70. This is the difference between relative probability and absolute probability. Absolute probability is theoretical, while relative probability is real. In addition, the trend analysis that follows is more practical than the relative probability analysis.

Trend Analysis of Tail Number Algorithm

The following is a trend analysis chart for Mega Millions. The X-axis represents the draw number, with the most recent draw on the right side labeled as 1. The Y-axis represents the actual tail number. The chart shows that the recent four tail numbers have tended to stabilize, basically hovering around 45, with a relatively low position. The previous four tail numbers showed relatively large jumps. There have been various increasing and decreasing trend phenomena before, which can be seen in Lotto Uni.

Algorithm tail trends

In general, the actual trend of the tail number still hovers in relatively high positions. Occasionally, smaller numbers like the tail number 25 may appear. And there was an even more extreme case where the tail number 17 appeared on November 1, 2022. Smaller numbers are often more effective because they exclude a large number of options. For example, in Mega Millions, the tail number 44 will eliminate 99% of the options. However, pursuing small tail numbers under specific patterns needs careful analysis as the absolute probability is relatively low. Choosing relatively large numbers based on the current pattern is usually advisable, as each draw will differ.

How to use the Tail Number Algorithm

Using the tail number is very simple. Just add it to the calculator. First, select a tail number using the slider, and the number below the slider will show the current absolute probability in real-time. Then, click the plus button to add it to the calculator and generate the lottery numbers for the next round. In an extreme example, if you choose the number 5, the number below the slider will show that only one option is available, which is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Of course, no one will play this combination, so don't bother. This is just to show you how to check the probability in real time.

Algorithm tail filter


The tail number algorithm is an algorithm that people easily forget. However, it is just as important as the head number algorithm. Its relative probability always has a certain difference from the absolute probability. You need to analyze the results' absolute probability, relative probability, and trend chart in detail. Usually, after selecting the head number, you can analyze the tail number algorithm. Once the head and tail numbers are determined, the selection range will be greatly reduced, helping to generate lottery results.