The missing algorithm analyzes all numbers as a whole and is superior to tracking individual numbers

Author: Mike
Updated: 2023-05-27

We already have some methods for tracking individual numbers, but they often overlook the relationships between numbers. The missing algorithm addresses this gap by using the cold number algorithm as a foundation. It transforms each number in the lottery results into its missing count and then analyzes all the missing counts as a whole. The specific numbers of a ticket are not meaningful, but the number of times a number has been missing since its last appearance is significant. Moreover, the total missing count of all numbers is even more meaningful. The missing algorithm is highly scientific and practical, and it is a highly recommended algorithm.

Each time a lottery is drawn, there are always hot numbers (with fewer missing counts) and cold numbers (with more missing counts). However, there is a certain pattern to the total missing count of both hot and cold numbers. It is unlikely for all numbers to be hot or all numbers to be cold because they balance each other out. In fact, sometimes the total missing count can be similar.

If a result of Mega Millions is:

7, 22, 23, 31, 50

If the last appearance of 7 was 8 draws ago, the last appearance of 22 was 3 draws ago, the last appearance of 23 was 35 draws ago, the last appearance of 31 was 15 draws ago, and the last appearance of 50 was 28 draws ago, the converted missing counts for these results would be:

8, 3, 35, 15, 28

The missing algorithm analyzes the numbers above using two common mathematical statistics. The first method involves calculating the total sum of missing counts for all numbers. The second method involves calculating the area of a polygon constructed based on specific rules using these missing counts. 

For example, the above missing sum value is: 8 + 3 + 35 + 15 + 28 = 89.

Algorithm missing example

The theoretical distribution of missing sums

When predicting the sum of missing numbers for the next draw, it is important to understand its distribution. The following graph displays the distribution of missing number sums for Mega Millions. Please note that not only does the distribution of missing numbers vary for each lottery game, but it can also differ for each draw. Therefore, we will not use the term "probability" here and focus solely on the distribution. 

How can we interpret this graph? When you see that the minimum value on the X-axis is 5, it means that Mega Millions selects a total of 5 numbers. If all numbers from the previous draw are missing once, the sum would be 5. There won't be any missing number sums smaller than 5. On the other hand, the maximum missing number sum on the rightmost side of the graph represents a scenario where the longest overdue numbers all appear together. both of these extreme cases should be avoided unless you are being irrational.

Algorithm missing sum distribution

From the above graph, it can also be observed that the sum of missing numbers gradually increases within a certain range and then sharply decreases in terms of likelihood after reaching a certain value. This range basically encompasses the majority of cases. As mentioned earlier, the distribution of missing number sums will vary for each lottery, but the overall shape is generally similar. It resembles an asymmetric mountain peak. Typically, your focus should still be in the vicinity of the central peak. For specific numerical values, you can click on the graph in Lotto Uni to view them.

The historical trend of the sum of missing numbers

Once you have a general understanding of the distribution of the sum of missing numbers, let's take a look at its trend. The following graph displays the trend of the sum of missing numbers for Mega Millions. The X-axis represents the recent draw numbers, with "1" indicating the most recent draw and "2" indicating the second most recent draw. Moving further left represents more distant draws. The Y-axis represents the sum of missing numbers for each draw. It can be observed that the majority of values are concentrated around 50, with a few larger values. The Y-axis shows that even in the most recent few hundred draws, the minimum sum is 32. Additionally, there are several draws in the middle where the sum of missing numbers is very close, indicating a relatively predictable pattern. Can this explain one of the reasons for the recent $1.3 billion jackpot being won?

Algorithm missing sum  trends

The theoretical distribution of missing areas

Furthermore, an advanced form of the missing algorithm is polygon statistics. In a sense, it is an algorithm that expands the scope of missing sums. Its distribution range is broader but it is also more effective in excluding extreme numbers and edge cases. The drawback is that it requires long-term observation and a significant investment of time. The following graph represents the statistical distribution of missing areas. Due to its wide span, reading the chart can be relatively challenging. Moreover, the data in the middle is not linear but exhibits significant fluctuations. It is suitable for tracking small probabilities. However, don't worry, we only need a general understanding of the distribution. The focus should still be on historical trend.

Algorithm missing area distribution

Missing Area Chart

The historical trend of missing areas is as follows. For convenience, only the most recent 5 draws are displayed here. The 5 bars distributions represent the counts of missing numbers for 5 numbers. We can observe that each draw has numbers with higher and lower counts of missing numbers, which accurately reflects the lottery results. You can click on the 5 buttons above to highlight their corresponding polygons, allowing for clearer observation of the missing patterns for a particular draw and assisting in predicting the next draw's missing data.

Algorithm missing area trends
Algorithm missing distribution comparison

How to use the missing algorithm filters

The analysis above shows that the missing algorithm has two filters: sum and area. The following screenshots depict them. You can choose either of them for filtering based on the missing algorithm. They both involve range selection, so you don't need to choose specific values; you can select narrow or wide ranges. As you slide the sliders, the corresponding lottery probabilities below will also change accordingly, making it convenient for you to observe the filtering range for the current draw. Like other gameplay strategies, tracking low probabilities can help eliminate many combinations.

Algorithm missing filters


The missing algorithm is highly useful and essentially a must-have algorithm. It transforms numbers into meaningful values by analyzing them based on their missing counts. We can use one of the two filters to generate the lottery numbers for the next draw by analyzing the recent lottery results. We are continuously researching the missing algorithm and keeping track of updates. Stay tuned for further developments.