The lottery summing algorithm uniformly treats the deviation between large and small numbers

Author: Mike
Updated: 2023-05-03

The Lottery Sum algorithm is the sum of all ticket numbers. It is not interested in specific numbers, but only in the result of adding all the numbers together. Because the sum algorithm uniformly treats lottery numbers, simplifying the number selection process. This article explains how to use the normal distribution of lottery sums for number selection.


Lottery Sum is the sum of all the numbers in a lottery ticket. Although it is not related to a particular number, it can also be said that it is related to every number. It manages the deviation of numbers. For example, if a small number of a lottery result is a little larger than the previous one, and a large number of this result is a little smaller than the previous one, then we say that their sums are the same or about. The other situation is that if a lottery result has a lot of small numbers, then its sum is on the small side. Conversely, it may have a large sum.

Absolute Probability of Normal Distribution for Sum Value Algorithm 

The sum is only concerned with the value obtained by summing, so it is a very simple algorithm. Using Mega Millions as an example:

The minimum sum value is:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15

The maximum sum value is:

66 + 67 + 68 + 69 + 70 = 340

It follows that all sums will be between 15 and 340. What range of sums occurs more often? Just take a look at the probability statistics chart(see the figure below). It is obvious that it is normally distributed, and we can easily see that the most frequent draws are concentrated in the middle, specifically 177 and 178, with 106,681 bets respectively. It decreases upwards or downwards respectively. In fact, the sum peak of any lottery can be calculated by the following formula:


c: the number of selected numbers in a ticket
n: the maximum number of optional numbers

The probability distributions of the different lotteries can be seen by Lotto Uni.

Algorithm sum absolute probability

The Relative Probability of the Sum Value Algorithm

The absolute probability of the above chart is an interesting finding that gives you a strong first impression. The normal distribution gives you a good idea of where the sums should be in most cases. In the event that you are not skilled enough at first, you can look back each time you choose a filter to generate lottery numbers and see if your choices are off too much, if it is time to choose a low probability, or if the trend should be reversed. Later in this article, we will also discuss how to look for potential patterns.

It's not enough to know the absolute probability distribution of the sums; the overly concentrated probabilities mean that there are still a huge number of combinations to filter through. If you have a good understanding of absolute probabilities, it is time to combine them with relative probabilities for further analysis.

Relative probabilities are variable, and we have counted the results of hundreds of recent results to see what kind of trend the sums really have. In Mega Millions, for example, the sums 144, 157, and 164 have the highest probability of occurring 5 times each as of this writing. It has a total of about 300 possibilities. However, there are only 22 occurrences that occur more than once. If you are in Lotto Uni and scroll to the right, you can see that most of the results appear only once.

Algorithm sum relative probabilities sorted

The chart above shows the trend of relative probability from the most popular to the least popular sums. Basically, it gives us an idea of which are the most popular draws, however, it is discontinuous and there are breaks in the draw data. The chart below shows the continuous sum statistics, which helps us to analyze a certain sum or a segment of sums. The X-axis represents the number of sums and Y-axis represents the number of occurrences. The data point in the bottom row is 0, which means that it has never occurred. As in the above graph, the most frequent sum occurs 5 times. Due to the scope of the screenshot, it is not possible to swipe left or right here, so for the full chart you need to go to Lotto Uni. As of this writing, the draw 176 is interesting in that it has not appeared in the last two years. And the 176 is one of the very many in the probability distribution. Many people think that it will appear in the next lottery result. What do you think?

Algorithm sum relative probability unsorted

Historical Trends of Sum Value Algorithms

Once you have a good understanding of both the absolute and relative probabilities of the sum algorithm, it is time to take a closer look at the recent trends. The chart below shows the most recent Mega Millions sum trends. The X-axis is the number of recent results. The rightmost 1 indicates the most recent result, and you can swipe left to see more results. As you can see, most of the cases are around 177, 178. As we described above, there is no 176 here, and occasionally it has very small or very large values, which are the low probability events of the sum algorithm.

Algorithm sum history trends

The above is the available sum chart and you need to look at it very carefully. Probability analysis is the theoretical basis, it gives you a good idea of what to expect. The sum trend is the basis for decision-making, it helps us to make a decision to choose the range of sums for the next draw and thus generate the numbers of a lottery. The data is objective and the same for everyone, while making decisions is very subjective, all you need to do is to find potential patterns, for example, there are 5 main ways,
1, the sums will stay in the current position, i.e. the next result's sums will be roughly the same as the current result;
2, the sums will go up i.e. become bigger, probably because the recent sums are on the small side;
3, the sums will go down i.e. become smaller, for the same reason as before.
4, the low probability sum value, which has not appeared too big or too small for a long time, is high risk and high return.
5, the high probability sum is chosen, which is low risk and low return.
The potential patterns are not limited to this, and looking for them is a sure way to generate lottery numbers.

How to Use the Sum Value Algorithm

The filters are often the easiest part from a technical point of view, and if you have a good understanding of all the charts above, the filters for the sums are simple. First select a range of values by using the range slider bar, then click the Add button and you will be taken to the calculator page, where the next step is to click the Calculate button to generate lottery numbers.

Algorithm sum filter

What's next

In addition, because the sums are normally distributed, we have further analysis in progress. In the future, we will do more statistics on the sums, such as standard deviation and variance operations, and make more charts to help you with the analysis of sum trends, so stay in touch.