Most numbers of lottery results can be found in warm numbers

Author: Mike
Updated: 2023-06-26

Warm numbers are a term used in relation to cold numbers and hot numbers, indicating those numbers that are neither long overdue nor currently popular. Of course, there is some overlap between warm numbers and cold/hot numbers. The warm number algorithm appears similar to the cold number algorithm but is more complex. It doesn't analyze individual numbers but rather conducts an overall analysis based on a broader range.

The difference and connection between warm numbers and hot/cold numbers

The core idea of warm numbers is to look back on the current results and select numbers from historical results. Essentially, it includes all the hot numbers because recently appearing numbers are considered as candidate targets. At the same time, it also excludes some cold numbers. In a way, warm numbers complement the concept of cold numbers. In the cold number algorithm, we mentioned that the coldest number can be excluded in most cases, so warm numbers provide an alternative way to exclude the coldest number.

Essentially, the warm number algorithm reconstructs a candidate pool. This is because it analyzes the omission frequency of all numbers and the hitting trend of warm numbers. As a result, the computational complexity of the warm number algorithm is relatively high. Generating lottery results based on warm numbers has a relatively high accuracy rate, making it one of the most recommended methods.

The relative probability of warm numbers

The warm numbers experience significant changes in data with each draw. They have relative probabilities rather than absolute probabilities. The graph below illustrates the warm number probabilities for Mega Millions. The X-axis represents the number of most recent draws, while the Y-axis represents the number of tickets. The maximum value on the X-axis changes with each draw, but the rightmost maximum value always represents 100% of the tickets. For other lotteries, if the candidate pool is smaller, the maximum value on the X-axis will also be smaller.

From the graph, we can observe that the most recent 54 draws encompass all 70 numbers. As we move towards the left side, the count gradually decreases. This indicates that if we select numbers from the results of the past 54 draws, it would be 100% accurate since it includes all the numbers. However, this also implies that it has no practical significance as no numbers are filtered out.

Please note that the text probabilities below the relative probability graph only represent the statistics for the numbers from the current draw. Therefore, "26" signifies the requirement to include a number from the 26th draw. If you want to calculate all the options that occurred within less than 26 draws, you would need to accumulate them.

Algorithm warm numbers probablility

The historical trend of warm numbers

To effectively utilize the warm number algorithm, let's refer to the warm number trend chart provided below. Firstly, the X-axis represents the draw sequence, with "1" indicating the most recent draw and "2" representing the draw before that. As you slide towards the left, it represents progressively older draws. The warm number trend involves tracking data in three main aspects.

Algorithm warm numbers trend

YA: The first aspect of data in the warm number algorithm is the number of draws within which all the numbers in the current draw can be found. The simplified example below illustrates the theoretical statistics for warm numbers. Let's say we have a draw result:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

The results of the previous two draws were:

1, 2, 10, 11, 12
3, 4, 5, 10, 11

So, we can find all five numbers within the past 2 draws, which means that the current YA (Yet-to-Appear) value is 2. Looking at the graph, we can see that the most recent YA value is 27, indicating that it took 27 draws for all the numbers to be found.

YB: The second aspect of data in the warm number algorithm is the total count of numbers when all the required numbers are found within the historical results. Referring to the previous example, the warm number data is 2 because all the numbers were found within 2 draws. The total count of numbers found is 8:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12

This data helps us understand how many numbers need to be searched from the historical records for each draw. From the graph, we can see that the most recent YB value is 63, indicating that it took searching through 63 numbers backward to find all the required numbers.

YC: The third aspect of data represents the total number of draws required to find all the numbers. For Mega Millions, which has a total of 70 numbers, the question is how many draws from the historical records are needed to locate all 70 numbers. This data can be combined with the second aspect of data to determine whether we need to find all the numbers or exclude some. For example, in the graph, the last draw indicates that it took 53 draws to find all 70 numbers.

The above three data are related to a certain extent. It doesn't all directly participate in the screening, and the statistics together just help you build a certain picture.

How to use the warm number filters

The warm number trend encompasses three dimensions of data, but there are only two filters available. Below is a screenshot of the warm number filters for Mega Millions. The first filter indicates the number of draws to consider when selecting numbers. The second filter represents the number of warm numbers to include in the selection, essentially excluding the farthest numbers. 

Algorithm warm numbers filters

Once you have made your selections, click the "+" button to add them to the calculator and filter out the numbers for the next draw.


This article introduces the application of the warm number algorithm in lottery games. In most cases, the winning numbers can be found within a certain range of warm numbers. This implies that the numbers for the next draw can be located within the results of a specific range from the past draws.

To determine the specific number of draws to consider, it is crucial to focus on examining the warm number trend graph. This graph provides data statistics for each draw, including the number of draws needed to find all the results, the total count of numbers found when all the required numbers are located, and the number of draws required to find all the numbers. After analyzing the data, you can select the appropriate filters based on your findings and generate the lottery results for the next draw.