How Lottery size cuts lottery selections in half

Author: Mike
Updated: 2023-05-03

We know that the probability of heads or tails when flipping a coin is 50%. If a coin comes up heads four times in a row, will there be a greater probability of a tail appearing on the next flip? Some mathematicians say it will still be 50% the next time. However, if you follow particular patterns, your probability will definitely exceed 50% in the long run. Lotteries have many patterns like this. But it's hard to say what will happen next because it depends on many factors and trends. However, we can use big data to study every pattern and machine learning to help us make decisions. The lottery size algorithm is a method that imitates flipping a coin to divide a lottery into two groups to help us generate numbers for the next draw.


Thanks to the development of big data, the Lottery size algorithm numbers all the tickets in the lottery candidate pool and divides them into two groups. You don't need to calculate manually, Lotto Uni has already done this step for you. This article will introduce its implementation principle. Then all you need to do is carefully analyze the graph it gives to find specific patterns. Next, you need to add a filter to the lottery calculator. That way, it can generate your numbers for the next draw.

Lottery size algorithm implementation principle and example

Let's use Mega Millions as an example. Note that the lottery size algorithm only considers the white ball part. There are separate articles discussing algorithms for the gold ball part. The calculation formula and substitution items are shown in the figure below. You can use your favorite calculator to calculate the results of any lottery.

Algorithm size formula

We have calculated that Mega Millions has a total of 12,103,014 options. If we number them, those from 1 to 6,051,507 are the small ones, and those from 6,051,508 to 12,103,014 are the large ones. This way will divide into two groups. Half are small, and the other half are large. Then we select one group as the candidate pool for the next draw that will rule out 6,051,507 options. It will significantly help to generate numbers for the next draw.

Algorithm size calculator

Analyze trends based on lottery size historical charts

If you haven't downloaded Lotto Uni yet, do it from the App Store or Google Play, it's free. You can analyze historic charts based on Lotto Uni's sizing algorithm to help you choose small or large. The key is the observation of the two graphs.

Algorithm size select a lottery

Launch Lotto Uni. You can find the Algorithms page and click on size. Based on the analysis of the size history, you will see two basic graphs. Figure 1 shows the overall trend of the size. The X-axis is the results of the draws by draw time from oldest to most recent. The last one is the most recent lottery result, and you can see more results by swiping to the left. The Y-axis is the exact size of each result. You can click on each point to see the exact size number.

Algorithm size history trends

Usually, you don't need to focus on specific numbers. You just need to choose small or large, so look at the second figure. This one is very similar to the first one, except that it ignores the specific size and replaces it with small or large because that's what we're trying to do. You need to look very carefully at these two charts. Some people like to look for turning points in size, and others want to chase repetition points. In any case, look at both charts carefully before you decide.

Algorithm size large or small

The image below lists several patterns that have been common over the past year, some alternating, some alternating with multiple repeats in a row, and others occurring consistently over time. More than that, other phenomena will emerge before a particular pattern emerges. In addition,  you still need to compare figure 1, and combining the two charts may give you more inspiration.

Algorithm size patterns

Add a lottery size filter for generate numbers

After analyzing the lottery charts, you can move to the third section: Filters. You just need to simply select Small or Large and click the Add button to add the filter to the calculator. Don't worry, and you can still modify your selection in the next step.

Algorithm size filter

You will come to the calculator page, where you will find all the filters you have selected. You can further adjust the parameters inside the filters or add more filters from the Add button in the upper left corner. Dozens of different filters are available in Lotto Uni, and you can use multiple filters to mix calculations. Then, click the Calculate button, and it will generate numbers. You can repeatedly observe the results and adjust the parameters until satisfied.

If the number of results is still many, it will give random results for each calculation. Otherwise, it will show all the results. You can also click the download button in the upper right corner to send the results to your email.


The lottery size algorithm divides all lottery tickets into two groups. It is the simplest and most basic lottery theory. The method is to choose a group as a candidate pool by looking at the history graphs. The goal is to exclude half of the options with about millions, thus increasing the probability of winning. It will usually be the first step of all filters. After selecting the size filter, you can add more filters for further filtering. Eventually, you can narrow it down to a few hundred or even a few dozen tickets.