Hot number algorithm analyzing the results of the recent few draws to limit the selection range

Author: Mike
Updated: 2023-06-18

Hot number is the most well-known term in the lottery vocabulary, and practically all lottery strategies mention this term to some extent. From various trends, it can be observed that some numbers will definitely repeat in the recent few draws. However, it is difficult to determine which specific number will repeat. Tracking numbers is challenging, so it is often more reliable to filter by selecting the quantity of repeated numbers. This is also the basic logic behind the discussed hot number algorithm in this article.

Hot numbers and repeated numbers are very similar in certain situations. The main difference is that repeated numbers only compare to the most recent draw, while hot numbers can compare to the results of the most recent 2, 3, 4, or even more draws. Hot numbers are not just reflected in the results of the most recent draw, but their trend can be observed through the results of the past week or two to three weeks. Therefore, the observation range of hot numbers is broader.

One misconception about hot numbers is that people try to select specific numbers within the results of the recent few draws, which is difficult. The hot number algorithm only focuses on the quantity of hot numbers and does not concern itself with specific numbers. The filter will select all combinations that meet the criteria of the hot number quantity.

Analysis of the hot numbers in the last two draws

In general, selecting 0 to 3 hot numbers is the most common scenario, but it's not always the case. Taking Mega Millions as an example, when looking at the two most recent consecutive draws, the highest absolute probability is that there are no repeated numbers. The absolute probability of repeating a single number also accounts for a significant proportion. Following that, there are usually more combinations with two repeated numbers. Essentially, the majority of combinations consist of 0-2 repeated numbers, and most of the time, the selection will fall within this range.

Algorithm hot 2 probability

Another strategy is to track the low probability opportunities of three hot numbers. When you believe that the chance of three numbers repeating has arrived, hitting it will significantly increase your chances of winning. For example, in the recent draw of Mega Millions on June 9, 2023, three hot numbers were repeated (see the figure below). This means that three numbers matched the results of the previous two draws.

Algorithm hot 2 trend

Analysis of the hot numbers in the last three draws

Looking at the absolute probabilities of the most recent three draws, a notable difference is that the probability of one number being repeated has surpassed the probability of no repetitions. Furthermore, the probabilities of one, two, and three numbers being repeated have significantly increased. This can be easily understood as the most recent three draws have included several additional numbers compared to the previous two draws, naturally leading to an increased likelihood of repetitions.

Algorithm hot 3 probability

Based on the current trend of the hot numbers in the last three draws, it is most common to have either zero or one repeated number. However, can you believe it, in the mentioned previous draw, there were actually four numbers repeated. This means that the result of that draw had four numbers that could be found in the results of the previous three draws. This has been enough to keep me excited for a while.

Algorithm hot 3 trend

Analysis of the hot numbers in the last four draws

Let's further expand the analysis scope and focus on the hot number analysis from the results of the last four draws. It slightly increases the likelihood of repetitions compared to the three draws. The probability of having multiple hot numbers also increases. The odds for three hot numbers are still favorable, so if you believe it's time for three hot numbers, then go for it.

Algorithm hot 4 probability

In the case of analyzing the hot numbers over four draws, the number of hot numbers increases, but the difference is not as significant as in the analysis of three or two draws. The main change is that the probability of having no hot numbers further decreases, so you may need to consider selecting warm numbers as well. For example, as mentioned earlier, in the four draws' analysis, there were also four repeated numbers, the same as in the three draws. In the analysis of the most recent four draws, in most cases, there are either one or two repeated hot numbers.

Algorithm hot 4 trend

How to use the hot number filter

Based on the probability and trends of hot numbers explained above, here's what you need to do:

1. Choose the analysis period: Select whether you want to analyze data from the past 2, 3, or 4 draws. This choice will determine the number of draws you will consider for your analysis.

2. Utilize the hot number slider: Use the slider to indicate the desired number of hot numbers you wish to include in your analysis. This will help you generate potential lottery numbers.

3. Once you have made your selections, click the + button to add them to the lottery number generator, and it will generate the numbers for the next draw.

Keep in mind that the trend chart for each lottery game is distinct. Analyze it in conjunction with the specific game you are playing.

Algorithm hot number filter


The hot number algorithm is an essential algorithm. We divide it into three different scenarios for analysis. You can choose to analyze the data from the last two draws, three draws, or four draws. By observing their trends, we can analyze the results of the next draw. From the absolute probabilities, we can determine the expected number of hot numbers in most cases. Additionally, tracking the number of low-probability hot numbers is a recommended practice. Hot number analysis can be applied to any lottery game, and each game will have its unique hot number trend. We need to make selections based on specific trend charts. Finally, we can use a hot number filter to generate our lottery results.

The hot number algorithm typically analyzes the results of the last four draws. If you wish to analyze more historical data, you can consider using the warm number algorithm or the cold number algorithm. These algorithms provide insights into numbers that have appeared less frequently or not at all in recent draws. Additionally, if desired, you can use multiple generators to apply further filtering or analysis to refine your number selection.