Odd-even has gradually become the most fundamental algorithm for generating lottery numbers

Author: Mike
Updated: 2023-05-21

The odd-even algorithm is the most intuitive algorithm, straightforward. You only need to choose the odd-even ratio, which determines the quantity of odd and even numbers. The odd-even algorithm doesn't care about specific numbers, only the quantity of odd and even numbers. Odd and even numbers also exhibit specific mathematical patterns in lottery games, as they should have equal probabilities since odd and even numbers each occupy half of the possible outcomes. This article will discuss whether this is the case.

The absolute probability of the odd-even algorithm

We all know that odd numbers leave a remainder of 1 when divided by 2, while even numbers are divisible by 2. For example, in the case of an odd-even ratio of 2:3, the following two sets are both valid:

1, 4, 7, 16, 56

12, 16, 17, 35, 66

Both sets have two odd and three even numbers, satisfying the odd-even ratio.

Algorithm odd even example

The absolute probability of odd-even ratios is also straightforward. There are only five possible odd-even ratio combinations for Mega Millions, as shown in the chart below. It is easy to observe that the ratios of 2 odd and 3 even, or 3 odd and 2 even, dominate the majority of the outcomes. The cases with 1 or 4 odd numbers also have a significant proportion. The scenarios with 0 or 5 odd numbers constitute a small portion, approximately around 2.68%.

Algorithm odd even absolute probability

The absolute probability represents the theoretical probability, giving us a sense of understanding. For example, in the case of 2 odd numbers or 3 odd numbers, on average, they would appear once every 4 draws. On the other hand, 1 odd number or 4 odd numbers would appear once every 8 draws on average. It would take approximately 50 draws for 0 or 5 odd numbers to appear once. These are rough estimates, and the actual occurrences may vary in the real world. However, we can always find some matching patterns.

The historical trend of the odd-even algorithm

Let's directly look at the trend of odd and even numbers in Mega Millions. In general, it aligns with the probability analysis mentioned earlier, with most cases having 2 or 3 odd numbers. Instances of 1 odd number or 4 odd numbers also occur occasionally. Although the following screenshots only show a partial view, we can observe a recent occurrence of a draw with 5 odd numbers. It happened on April 18, 2023, with the winning numbers being 7, 9, 15, 19, 25. However, there hasn't been a recent occurrence of a draw with 5 even numbers.

Algorithm odd even trends

When it comes to specific patterns, it is mainly about tracking deviations from the probability norms. For example, if there has been a long absence of draws with 2 odd numbers, the probability of such an occurrence will significantly increase. Particularly, low-probability events often offer good cost-effectiveness. Tracking the occurrences of 0 or 5 odd numbers would fall into this category, but it requires analyzing the results of hundreds of draws. You can explore Lotto Uni to help you choose the odd-even quantity for generating the next set of numbers. Regardless of the pattern, you must carefully observe the trend charts for odd and even numbers.

How to use the odd-even algorithm filter

Once you have a basic understanding of the odd-even algorithm's trends, you can put it into practice. Using the following filter, simply slide the slider to select the desired quantity of odd numbers, automatically determining the quantity of even numbers. Then, click the plus button to add it to the calculator, and you will generate the lottery numbers for the next draw. You don't need to be concerned about specific numbers; just focus on selecting the desired quantity of odd and even numbers.

Algorithm odd even filter


The odd-even algorithm is the easiest and most intuitive algorithm to use. It doesn't focus on specific numbers but rather on the ratio of odd and even numbers. The options for the odd-even algorithm are minimal, making it very easy to operate. However, carefully observing the charts and making judgments is still crucial. The odd-even algorithm is typically a necessary algorithm combined with multiple filters to refine combinations and generate lottery numbers.