Cold numbers that go against probability patterns can help us determine how to use the cold number algorithm

Author: Mike
Updated: 2023-06-23

A cold number refers to those numbers that haven't appeared for a long time. It is the most commonly used term in lottery and the most important lottery algorithm. In theory, the coldest number has already exceeded the probability of appearing; it should have appeared by then. However, in reality, the coldest number will reappear indeed. The question is, how long does it take for it to reappear? This article will analyze the results of cold numbers from hundreds of past draws and try to find some patterns to help us generate the numbers for the next draw.


The Cold Number Algorithm is an algorithm specifically designed to study numbers that have not appeared for a long time. It calculates how many draws each number has missed. For example, if a number, let's say 17, has not appeared in the last 8 draws, its missing count would be 8. It's important to note that the specific numerical value of the number itself is irrelevant in this context, but its missing count holds significance. Therefore, in this example, understanding the transformation from 17 to 8 is crucial. The number with the highest missing count is undoubtedly the coldest number. It is ranked as the first coldest number, followed by the second coldest, the third coldest, and so on.

The Cold Number Algorithm analyzes lottery numbers from two main aspects. Firstly, it sorts the missing counts of all numbers to determine which numbers have been missing for a long time in past drawings. Secondly, it analyzes the ranking of the coldest number hit in each lottery result.

How the cold number algorithm works

The patterns of cold numbers can vary for each type of lottery. Generally, the larger the number pool for selection, the more patterns there can be because there are more potential combinations. However, from the perspective of cold numbers, a larger number pool means there will be more cold numbers. It also means that more numbers can be excluded for generating lottery numbers.

Why do we mention excluding numbers? It is because of the operational approach of the Cold Number Algorithm. There is a common misconception that the Cold Number Algorithm involves selecting numbers from the coldest ones. However, in most cases, that is not true because the coldest numbers are usually difficult to hit. The typical strategy of the Cold Number Algorithm involves analyzing historical trends and excluding the coldest numbers. The purpose of this approach is to increase the chances of winning by eliminating numbers that have been missing for a long time.

Ranking of cold numbers

Firstly, it is essential to identify numbers that have not appeared for a long time in order to analyze them. You may also wonder how many cold numbers we need to find. The answer is all of them. We will analyze all the numbers. The chart below describes the cold number statistics for Mega Millions, based on the data after the drawing on July 16, 2013. With each subsequent drawing, these rankings will change. We can observe that the coldest number is 56, which has not appeared for 53 consecutive draws. When you click the button in the top right corner, the subsequent chart will appear, displaying all 70 numbers in sequential order. Regardless of the type of arrangement, the X-axis represents the numbers themselves, and the Y-axis represents the number of draws the specific number has missed.

Algorithm cold numbers rank


Algorithm cold numbers order

The two charts mentioned above are among the most popular charts on this website. Even if you don't use the cold number filter, you can still take a look at them every time you choose numbers, as they can provide some inspiration or insights.

Trend analysis of cold numbers

Above, we have already discussed the current cold number data. So, how are cold numbers hit in each historical drawing? Below is a partial screenshot of the cold number statistics for the recent few hundred draws. Unfortunately, the trend chart for cold numbers appears visually unattractive due to the scattered nature of the data. Reading it may be challenging if you have a small mobile screen. However, we believe that every scattered data point is crucial. Therefore, we have retained the complete trend chart for the hit rankings of cold numbers over several hundred draws.

You can scroll left or up/down to view the complete data if you are using the Lotto Uni. The X-axis represents the most recent draw numbers, with the rightmost number being the most recent draw. The Y-axis represents the ranking of the coldest number hit (note that this number indicates the ranking, not the actual number). A ranking of 1 means the coldest number was hit, which is the number that has been missing for the longest period. In general, we can see that the rankings of hits for the coldest numbers fall within a relatively small range. For example, in Mega Millions, the rankings usually stay below 20. In the latest draw, the hit number corresponded to the 4th coldest ranking. The number that hit 8 draws ago was the coldest number at that time. The second and third draw results are not visible in the screenshot (due to its limitation), indicating that they hit relatively hot numbers. 

Algorithm cold numbers trend

In the majority of cases, you can at least exclude one coldest number. However, it is not an absolute rule. If you believe that the coldest number should have appeared, you can try it out, or you can simulate it a few times to see if your intuition is correct.

How to use the filter for cold numbers

Here are the charts we have. When you finish analyzing the cold numbers, you'll find that the cold number algorithm has a special feature - it has two filters. You can choose the one you like. The first filter works based on the ranking of the coldest numbers. For example, if you choose 3, it means that the coldest number you can pick is ranked no higher than the 3rd coldest. That means the coldest numbers ranked 1st and 2nd will be excluded.

The second filter is based on the number of draws. Let me give you an extreme example to help you understand. If you choose 1, it means you will only select numbers from the most recent draw, which would be the same as the previous draw. Another extreme example is if you choose the maximum value of 53(as of this writing), it means you are selecting from all the numbers, and you would definitely be correct, but you wouldn't be excluding any numbers. It's like not using any filter at all to generate your numbers.

Algorithm cold numbers filters


The study of cold numbers has always been a popular topic of discussion and is considered as one of the essential algorithms. It involves analyzing the frequency of occurrence for all numbers and sorting them accordingly. Additionally, it examines the ranking of the coldest numbers that are drawn in each lottery. 

The use of the cold number algorithm does not involve selecting numbers directly from the coldest ones; instead, it focuses on excluding the coldest numbers. Once you understand the principles and analyze the trends of cold numbers, you can choose one of the two filters to generate your lottery numbers for the next draw.

In addition, we have another algorithm called the "missing algorithm," which provides an analysis of the missing count for all numbers. From there, we can also determine how many times the coldest numbers typically remain missed before they reappear. For example, if the coldest number has been missed significantly more times than its previous hits, it can be tracked for potential patterns.